TTS Training Services Ltd regards health and safety as a priority and its aim is to provide and continually improve upon a safe and healthy environment for all employees, learners and those who work on behalf of TTS Training Services Ltd. Health and safety management is an important component of TTS Training Services Ltd business.
TTS Training Services Ltd responsibilities:
• Has a legal responsibility, as an employer, to adhere to the health and safety at Work Act and other relevant legislation
• The overall and final responsibility for the day to day running and implementation of this health & safety policy is Ian Cox
• It is the responsibility of all employees, learners and those who work on behalf of TTS Training Services Ltd to take reasonable steps to safeguard their own health and safety and that of others
• TTS Training Services Ltd will ensure that standards are maintained and improved where necessary
• All learners attending training courses/qualifications run by TTS Training Services Ltd must cooperate with instructors/assessors on health & safety matters
• Learners must take care of their own health & safety and report all health & safety concerns to the appropriate person which may be their instructor or assessor
• TTS Training Services Ltd expects everyone to contribute towards achieving a safe and healthy working environment.
Our statement of general policy is:
• To provide adequate control of the health and safety risks
• To consult on matters affecting health and safety
• All equipment belonging to TTS Training Services Ltd is safe and maintained
• To ensure equipment used for training and assessment purposes meet health and safety standards
• Display health & safety law poster at TTS Training Services Ltd
• To ensure all instructors/assessors who provide training and assessment for TTS Training Services Ltd meet instructor criteria as defined by TTS Training Services Ltd To ensure that all accidents are reported and documented
• To ensure safe handling and use of substances
• To prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health
• To maintain safe and healthy working conditions
• To review and revise this policy as necessary on an annual basis
• To provide the appropriate information, instruction, training and supervision to all employees, learners and those who work on behalf of TTS Training Services Ltd.
The health and safety policy aims to promote safe systems of working whilst delivering TTS Training Services Ltd business and ensure compliance with all relevant health and safety legislation.
TTS Training Services Ltd is committed to achieving best practice in the management of health and safety and regularly monitors health and safety to ensure that it provides a safe environment for those who work or represent TTS Training Services Ltd. In order to establish and maintain safe practice TTS Training Services Ltd carries out periodic health and safety audit checks.
Everyone who works for or represents TTS Training Services Ltd is responsible for health and safety. TTS Training Services Ltd has the ultimate responsibility for health and safety matters relating to TTS Training Services Ltd business.
It is expected that, employees, learners and those who work on behalf of TTS Training Services Ltd adhere to the principles within this health and safety policy and encouraging a positive safety culture ensuring that they act safely by adhering to TTS Training Services Ltd documented policies and procedures.
TTS Training Services Ltd provides awareness of health and safety and is responsible for the management of:
• Accident reporting
• Risk assessment records
• Health and safety audits
• Provision of health and safety guidance
• Compliance with relevant health and safety legislation, policies and procedures.
During training and assessment, it is expected that instructors/assessors adhere to the principles within this health and safety policy. Instructors/assessors are responsible for their own health and safety and for ensuring others are not put at risk by any of their actions. Instructors/assessors should be able to demonstrate health & safety knowledge through certification of a qualification or training course or evidence of health and safety working knowledge.
It is the instructor/assessor responsibility to assess and reasonably foresee any significant risks prior to commencing any training or assessment activities. The Instructor/assessor must ensure that a risk assessment is carried out and that everyone is well informed of any significant health and safety risks associated with the delivery of training or assessment. In order to do this the instructor must:
• Discuss potential health and safety risks with all learners
• Ensure risk assessments are carried out and control measures are communicated
• Ensure that all risks have been considered
• Update the risk assessment if further significant risks are identified
• Return completed risk assessment to TTS Training Services Ltd.
4.1 Accidents and emergencies
Reporting accidents and ill health at work is a legal requirement. All employees, learners and those who work on behalf of TTS Training Services Ltd are responsible for informing TTS Training Services Ltd of any accidents and near misses.
In the event of an accident, near miss or work related illness TTS Training Services Ltd will take immediate preventive measures to avoid recurrence.
In the event of an accident/near miss or work related illness TTS Training Services Ltd needs to be informed as reasonable practical in order to commence the accident investigation and assist in effecting remedial action to ensure the enforcing authorities are notified according to the reporting injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences (RIDDOR) Regulations as appropriate. The appropriate documentation must be completed for all accidents, near miss or work-related illnesses.
4.2 Communicable diseases
TTS Training Services Ltd follows all applicable legislation and guidance in relations to communicable diseases. Under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences (RIDDOR) Regulations, TTS Training Services Ltd is responsible for notifying the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) of any reportable diseases.
Those suffering from a communicable disease whilst working for or on TTS Training Services Ltd training course must inform TTS Training Services Ltd as soon as possible. Those suffering from a communicable disease must follow all control measures given by their general practitioner and must take all necessary precautions to prevent the transmission of the disease or condition.
4.3 Control of substances hazards to health (COSHH)
Any use or storage of hazardous substances potentially exposes people to harm. If the exposure is not prevented or controlled, it can lead to serious illness or even death. It is important to identify when using hazardous substances in its activities.
It is important to avoid tasks involving hazardous substances wherever possible. Where it is unavoidable, a risk assessment and control measures must be carried out. It is important to ensure that all chemicals are stored and used correctly and to follow the product label instructions.
4.4 Dealing with contractors
The definition of a contractor is any organisation or business supplying services and support to TTS Training Services Ltd. All employees who manage contractors have a responsibility to ensure that the contractor’s activities comply with the statutory requirements and TTS Training Services Ltd health and safety policies.
All contractors must have adequate insurance to cover any results of injury to a person as a direct result of the contractors’ work activities. For activities that carry risks, a risk assessment by the contractor must be carried out before works starts. Where there are concerns relating to a contractor’s conduct or competence, or a contractor is working unsafely, ask them to stop working immediately and take appropriate measures to enable work to continue safety. All machinery and equipment used by the contractor must conform to the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations.
4.5 Display screen equipment
The Health and Safety Display Screen Equipment (DSE) Regulation aim to protect the health of people who work with DSE. Where possible instructors/assessors should ensure that:
• Furniture and equipment are adjusted to suit their or learner’s needs
• DSE users should not work for more than 50 minutes without taking a break of a least 5 minutes
• Whenever possible, users should be encouraged to use a docking station or firm surface and a full-sized keyboard and mouse for portable systems
• The height and position of the portable’s screen should be angled so that the user is sitting comfortably, and reflection is minimised
• More changes in activity may be needed if the user cannot minimise the risks of prolonged use and awkward postures to suitable levels
• Consider potential risks from the use of portable systems with regards to manual handling if users have to carry heavy equipment and papers.
4.6 Driver safety
The driver should ensure that the vehicle(s) they use whilst working or training with TTS Training Services Ltd is maintained and in a roadworthy condition, holds appropriate insurance, current road tax and a valid MOT certificate. In addition, the driver must hold a valid and current driving licence and hold the appropriate licence category for any vehicles used within the training environment. It is the responsibility of the instructor/assessor to ensure that learners also hold the appropriate licence and category for any vehicles that are used for training purposes. It is the driver’s responsibility to carry out safety checks on their vehicle(s) before starting any journeys or training events.
The driver is required to comply with local and national speed limits and road traffic legislation at all times. The use of hand-held mobile telephones whilst driving is illegal. Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol on TTS Training Services Ltd business or training courses is not permitted. To avoid driving when tired, take regular breaks for at least 15 minutes for every two hours of continuous driving, for longer distances consider overnight stays.
4.7 Electrical equipment
In most situations the risks from the use of electrical appliances arise from three key areas:
• The safety of the electrical system such as sockets and wiring
• The safety of portable electrical equipment
• The use of portable equipment such as positioning, use of extension cables, using multiple items of equipment simultaneously.
When using IT equipment, everyone must reduce the risks of slips, trips and falls caused by inappropriate cable positioning. The Electricity at Work Regulations require that any electrical equipment that has the potential to cause injury is maintained in a safe condition. Employees, instructors, assessors and contractors are responsible for visual checks of their IT equipment; by simply looking for signs of damage is a good way of maintaining portable electric equipment. Instructors, contractor’s IT equipment is their responsibility with regards to electrical safety.
4.8 Emergency contact procedure
This procedure should be followed if TTS Training Services Ltd employee, learner or person representing TTS Training Services Ltd is involved in an accident of becomes ill and it is necessary to inform their emergency contact:
• Take the name of the employee concerned and the location
• Details of what has happened as a result of the accident e.g. whether the employee has been taken to hospital for treatment and the name of the hospital
• Take an appropriate contact number if available.
4.9 Emergency evacuation procedure
All TTS Training Services Ltd employees, learners and those who work on behalf of TTS Training Services Ltd are required to familiarise themselves with the evacuation procedure in the event of an emergency.
It is the responsibility of everyone to take immediate and appropriate action on discovering a fire in the building or anything which may be life-threatening. People in the immediate vicinity should be alerted and alarms signals activated and telephone the emergency services on 999.
On leaving the building staff must:
• Leave the building immediately by the nearest exit
• Not attempt to put the fire out unless you are a fire marshal
• Obey instructions of the fire marshal
• Assemble at the fire assembly point and do not leave or re-enter the building until you are told it is safe from the fire marshal.
4.10 First aid arrangements
All employees, learners and those who work on behalf of TTS Training Services Ltd are required to comply with Health and Safety at Work Act by acting responsibly in the workplace and not endangering the health and safety of others.
First aid procedure for someone who sustains a minor injury but is able to remain at work:
• The injured person reports the injury
• A first-aider administers first aid and records the accident details
• The first-aider checks the condition of the injured person periodically throughout the day
• If the injured person is able to work satisfactory no further action is taken
• Further action will be considered and decided if the injured person is unable to carry on working satisfactory or if their condition shows signs of deterioration.
First aid procedure for someone who sustains a minor injury and has to be sent home:
• The injured person reports the injury
• A first-aider administers first aid and records the accident details
• The named friend of family member is phoned to pick up the injured person
• If the person suggests there is no one to help, the first aider will arrange transport and accompany the person home and arrange for someone to stay with the person at home
• The injured person is contacted the next day if not in work to check their condition.
First aid procedure when someone sustains a major injury or serious accident:
• Apply first-aid and all necessary assistance
• Ask someone to call an ambulance
• Inform ambulance staff of the assistance already give
• Arrange for the next of kin to be notified
• Accompany the injured person to hospital if necessary
• Write up notes and document.
4.11 Home Working
TTS Training Services Ltd has the same duty of care for its employees, regardless of where they are based. Employees have a responsibility to provide a suitable working environment, work safely at home and to report any health and safety concerns to TTS Training Services Ltd.
All home-based employees must carry out an annual risk assessment of their home working environment to include regular visual safety checks on all electrical work equipment.
4.12 Manual handling
All employees, learners and those who work on behalf of TTS Training Services Ltd
has the responsibility to minimise exposure to manual handling risks and should
follow the recommended control measures:
• avoid – can the task be avoided
• assess – assess the task, individual, load and environment:
– task: consider how the task will be undertaken and can mechanical lifting aids be used. Will the task involve twisting, stretching, bending or carrying. Is the task repetitive
– individual: do they need personal protective equipment, have they received appropriate training
– load: consider the weight, size and stability of the load
– environment: consider seasonal weather conditions, uneven or slippery surfaces, poor lighting, temperature conditions and obstacles or hazards
• reduce – where a manual handling task cannot be avoided apply control measures to reduce the risk
• Review – review and update risk assessments.
Always apply the principles of safe handling:
• plan – stop and think about the task
• position – get as close to the load as possible
• lift – keep your head up and shoulders level; bend with your knees not your back; keep the load as close to the body as possible; check you have a good grip; feet apart to give you balance
• move – avoid twisting; make sure you can see where you are going; keep carrying distance to a minimum
• lower – use the same principles used for lifting with the movement reversed. Take care to avoid crush injuries to fingers and toes when putting download.
If using manual handling equipment, ensure you get the right equipment for the task. You should always check equipment visually before each use. When not in use, manual handling equipment should be stored safety and in conditions that avoid the equipment to deteriorate.
4.13 Noise in the workplace
Where there is excessive noise in the work area, carry out a noise risk assessment and implement suitable control measures in accordance with the Noise at Work Regulations. There is a noise problem if people have to shout or have difficulty hearing someone approximately two metres away. Under these circumstances a noise risk assessment should be carried out.
4.14 Occupational health provision
Occupational health is mostly concerned with longer-term injury or work-related illness. As such, TTS Training Services Ltd will take reasonable steps to identify potential sources of occupational injury, provide adequate support/treatment for any employees who might be exposed to long-term injury or ill health through work and monitor their effects. Any issues giving rise to a potential for occupational injury or ill health will be dealt with through a risk assessment and appropriate risk-control measures implemented.
4.15 Out of hours working
TTS Training Services Ltd recognises the need for employees, instructor’s assessors and contractors to work outside normal office hours. Out of hours can include early morning, evening and weekend work. Those who work outside normal hours and possible lone working need to be aware of potential risks. TTS Training Services Ltd makes every provision for the security and safety of its employees at all times, however there may be an occasion/incident where an employee needs to be aware of the arrangements in the event of an emergency. Employees working out of hours must gain authorisation by TTS Training Services Ltd.
4.16 Personal protective equipment (PPE)
Instructors, assessors and contractors are responsible for supplying their own suitable PPE and ensuring regularly serviceability. They are also responsible for ensuring that learners have the appropriate PPE for training purposes. TTS Training Services Ltd employees will be provided with suitable PPE if and when required.
The appropriate PPE must be available and comply with the Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations. When selecting PPE choose a good quality product that complies with HSE and CE standards and ensure that it is:
• Properly assessed before use to ensure it is suitable
• Maintained and stored properly
• Provided with instructions on how to use it safely
• Used correctly
• Considers all the main types of PPE for, eyes, head, breathing, protecting the body, hands, arms, feet and legs.
• PPE has a life expectancy from the date of issue
• Dirt, oils and fuels can cause deterioration of PPE
• PPE is not a substitute for safe handling and care during operation
• Correct care and cleaning of PPE is essential
• A positive personal attitude to wearing PPE is also vital.
4.17 Personal safety
A lone worker is anyone required to work alone, out of sight or without direct supervision. When working alone is unavoidable, a risk assessment to reduce risks associated with lone working must be carried out. All employees, learners and those who work on behalf of TTS Training Services Ltd are responsible for reducing their exposure to personal safety risks by ensuring that:
• Colleagues are aware of their schedule, destination and times
• Provide colleagues with contact details when lone working
• Plan itinerary carefully
• Report incidents to TTS Training Services Ltd.
4.18 Risk assessment
A risk assessment is a simple examination of what, in your work, could cause harm to people, to enable you to assess whether you have taken enough precautions or do more to prevent harm.
Employers are legally required to assess the risks in their workplace so that they can put into place a plan to control the risks. A risk assessment will help identify what could go wrong, how likely it is to happen and how serious the result could be. Before undertaking any training or high-risk activity a written risk assessment must be completed to include:
• Identify hazard and risk specific to the task, site and machine
• Decide who might be harmed and how
• Evaluate the risks and decide on precautions
• Record your minimum control measures to reduce the risks to an acceptable level
• Review your risk assessment and update if necessary
• Findings of the risk assessment will be reported to TTS Training Services Ltd
• TTS Training Services Ltd will take action to remove or control risks where appropriate.
Emergency procedures should be recorded as part of the risk assessment and be available and understood by all.
4.19 Safety on sites
It is the responsibility of the training provider/third party to ensure that there is adequate health and safety arrangements for the delivery of any training and assessment activities. Before commencing any training, the instructor/assessor must be clear of any procedures for dealing with specific risks, emergency procedures and contact details in the event of any problems.
This may include:
• Location name, including postcode where applicable
• OS grid reference (including grid letters), for example SK123 123
• Designated meeting place (useful for remote access, to guide the emergency services to the work site)
• Nearest access point
• Type of access (such as public road, access for light vehicles or the need for a four-wheeled drive vehicle)
• Suitable helicopter landing area
• Location and telephone number of nearest accident and emergency hospital
• Your own contact details or the on-site contact details.
A risk assessment must be carried out to assess working on third party sites. It a problem is identified on third party sites it must be reported to TTS Training Services Ltd to establish if the training is able to continue.
4.20 Staying in hotels
If hotel overnight accommodation is required TTS Training Services Ltd recommends that individuals should park as close as convenient and safe to the hotel entrance, in order to minimise personal safety and manual handling risks. On arrival at the hotel, the hotel room should be inspected to confirm its suitability, security and location of the fire exits and evacuation procedures.
4.21 Stress management
TTS Training Services Ltd is committed to protecting the health, safety and well-being of individuals and acknowledges the importance of identifying and reducing work-related stress. All work-related stress and health issues will be treated seriously and TTS Training Services Ltd will respond positively and appropriately. Managing stress within TTS Training Services Ltd is a collective responsibility and will be managed in partnership by all to create a safe, healthy and supportive environment.
The Health and Safety Executive define stress as ‘the adverse reaction people have to excessive pressure or other types of demand placed on them’. Work-related stress is not an illness, but if it is prolonged it can lead to ill health.
It is TTS Training Services Ltd responsibility for implementing a system that tackles work-related stress. TTS Training Services Ltd will ensure that stress factors are identified, monitored and eliminated where possible. Where it is not possible to eliminate stressors, TTS Training Services Ltd is responsible for ensuring that proactive measures are taken to control and minimise the risks as far as it reasonable practicable.
TTS Training Services Ltd has an open and transparent culture, which encourages a receptive line of communication for all work-related stress. Employees have a duty to communication to TTS Training Services Ltd if they are suffering with the effects of work-related stress.
4.22 Working abroad
Those working abroad are at risk from a number of factors, such as fatigue, inappropriate selection of transport, behaviour, dress, illness, lone working and personal safety. A risk control measure must be carried out before and during working abroad. Where terrorist activity or political unrest in the intended destination is anticipated, British passport holders should consult with the Foreign and Commonwealth Office website. Those who are national of another country should seek travel advice from their own government website. When visiting countries in which there is likelihood of political unrest or the threat of terrorism you should register with the British or your own National Embassy.
When travelling on long flights follow the relevant airline’s advisory procedures to avoid deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Risk assessments should take into consideration safety implications of the vehicle used and of the region in which travel takes place, lone working, personal safety and reference to the country’s culture and religious traditions. Women employees should not travel alone to some countries. The appropriate travel insurance must be in place before travelling abroad.
Everyone must comply at all times with Health and Safety legislation and are advised to keep up to date with current legislation and codes of practice which can be found by accessing the Health and Safety Executive website https://www.hse.gov.uk/
The following list is examples of key legislation/code of practice to be aware of.
5.1 Approved Code of Practice (ACoP)
ACoPs are provided to give employers practical advice on how to comply with the law. Although failure to comply with any provision of an ACoP is not in itself an offence, that failure may be taken by a court in criminal proceedings as proof that a person has contravened the HSWA.
5.2 Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH)
When dealing with substances and materials that can be hazardous to health such as but not limited to oils, fuels, coolants, spores, sap, fumes and dust you should ensure you have access to:
• documentation that outlines the substances that are potentially dangerous
• the health risks associated with them
• the actions you need to take to avoid harm.
5.3 Environmental legislation
TTS Training Services Ltd employees, learners and those who work on behalf of TTS Training Services Ltd must recognise the importance of nature conservation and ecology especially when delivering training. Environmental law covers a broad scope; however, the following list gives examples of some of the Acts you should be aware of:
• Wildlife and Countryside Act
• Protection of Badgers Act 1992
• Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000
• The Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations
• CRD code of practice.
It is recommended where appropriate that an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is carried out showing the site assessment of the possible negatives or positive impact that a proposed training event may have on the environment.
5.4 Health and Safety at Work Act (HSWA)
The Health and Safety at Work Act places general obligations:
• On employers, to ensure the safety of their employees at work, for example by maintaining safe plant, safe systems of work and safe practices; employers are also required to provide training, instruction and supervision for their employees as necessary to ensure their safety
• On employees and the self-employed, to take reasonable care to avoid injury to themselves in the course of work activities
• On employers, the self-employed and employees, not to put at risk the health and safety of any third party.
5.5 Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations
The Health and Safety (First Aid) regulations require the provision of adequate and appropriate first-aid equipment, facilities and people so that individuals can be given immediate help if they are injured or taken ill.
A statutory first aid kit must be available on site. It must be appropriate to the number of personnel on site and have a designated person to inspect and replenish it. Any incidents that lead to the use of the first aid kit should be recorded in the accident book. The minimum first-aid provision on any worksite is:
• A suitable stocked first-aid box
• An appointed person to take charge of the first-aid arrangements
• Information for individuals about first-aid arrangements.
5.6 Health and Safety (Safety Signs and Signals) Regulations
These regulations require employers to provide specific safety signs whenever there is a risk which has not been avoided or controlled by other means. The regulations require duty holders to: Maintain the safety signs; Explain unfamiliar signs to individuals.
5.7 Lifting operations and lifting equipment regulations (LOLER)
LOLER regulations aim to make working life safer for everyone using and coming into contact with lifting equipment. LOLER is aimed at ensuring all lifting operations are properly planned, lifting equipment is used in a safe manner and is thoroughly examined at suitable intervals by a competent person.
The regulations aim to ensure:
• All lifting equipment is properly managed and properly designed
• Lifting equipment is inspected and maintained and is fit for purpose
• Equipment is appropriately marked with parameters of the use
• The equipment must be stable and strong enough for the purpose to which it is intended
• Equipment must be used safely; work is planned and performed by competent people.
5.8 Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations (MHSWR)
The purpose of the MHSWR is to specify how employers must manage the process of ensuring the health and safety of their employees and others affected by their activities. Precautions must be based on risk assessments undertaken by competent persons and adequately recorded. Certain types of precautions are specified, together with information and training requirements.
5.9 Manual Handling Operations Regulations
The manual handling operations regulations is specific to manual handling. The main requirements of the regulations are:
• To avoid the need for manual handling operations which involve the risk of being injured
• To make a suitable and sufficient assessment of all manual handling operations
• To take steps to reduce the risk of injury
• To provide information relating to the load/weight.
5.10 Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations
The main requirement of the personal protective equipment (PPE) at work regulations is that personal protective equipment is to be supplied and used at work wherever there are risks to health and safety that cannot be adequately controlled in other ways. The regulations require that PPE is:
• Properly assessed before use to ensure its suitability
• Maintained and stored properly
• Provided with instructions on how to use safely
• All PPE provided must be used correctly and comply with PPE Regulations and be CE marked.
5.11 Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER)
The objective of PUWER is to ensure that work equipment should not give rise to health and safety risks, regardless of its age, condition or origin. Work equipment provided or used must meet the requirements of PUWER by making sure that it is:
• Suitable for use, and for the purpose and conditions in which it is to be used
• Maintained in a safe condition for use so that people’s health and safety is not at risk
• Inspected to ensure that it is and continues to be safe for use.
5.12 Reporting of injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences regulation (RIDDOR)
RIDDOR requires employers (including self-employed) or those in control of premises to report any work-related deaths, major injuries, cases of disease or near miss incidents to be reported when:
• There has been an accident which caused the injury
• The accident was work-related
• The injury is of a type which is reportable.
5.13 Road traffic regulations
Work performed on or alongside a public highway presents particular hazards to both operators and road users. Adequate training and supervision is essential. Operators placing signs and barriers or operating traffic control will require Chapter 8 certification under the New Roads and Street Works Act. The principles of this act are also relevant to work on public rights of way and permissive paths, as there is again a requirement for signs, barriers and in some case a look-out person.
5.14 The Control of Noise at Work Regulations
This regulation requires employers to prevent or reduce risk to health and safety from exposure to noise at work. The regulations require employers to:
• Assess the risks to employees from noise at work
• Take action to reduce the noise exposure that produces those risks
• Provide employees with hearing protection if noise exposure cannot be reduced sufficiently by other methods
• Ensure the legal limits on noise exposure are not exceeded
• Provide employees with relevant information, instruction and training
• Carry out health surveillance where there is a risk to health.
5.15 The Control of Vibration at Work Regulations
Employers must assess and identify measures to eliminate or reduce risks from exposure to hand-arm vibration to protect employees from risks to their health. The regulations outline:
• Exposure limit values and action values
• Assessment of the risk to health created by vibration
• Elimination or control of exposure to vibration
• Health surveillance
• Information, instruction and training for individuals exposed to risk from vibration.
5.16 Working at Heights regulations
The working at heights regulations apply to all work at height where there is a risk of a fall liable to cause personal injury. The regulations require duty holders to ensure:
• All work at height is properly planned and organised
• All work at height takes account of weather conditions
• Those involved in work at height are trained and competent
• The place where work at height is done is assessed as safe
• Equipment for work at height is appropriately inspected
• The risk from fragile surfaces and falling objects are properly controlled.
5.17 Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) regulations
The workplace (health, safety and welfare) regulations cover a wide range of basic health, safety and welfare issues. The main requirements of the regulations are:
• Maintenance of the workplace and equipment
• Safety of those carrying out maintenance work and others who might be at risk
• Provision of welfare facilities
• Provision of a safe environment.